Domaća izdanja na engleskom - 26 naslova [prikazano 1-12]

Ivo Andrić

Tvrd povez, Dereta, 2023, ISBN: 978-86-6457-310-8, latinica
A stone bridge from the 16th century, an endowment of Mehmed-pasha Sokolovic, like a mute witness remembers the seeming harmony of different ...
U korpu

1435 din

Stara cena:1595 din

Ušteda:160 din (10%)

Đorđe D. Sibinović

Tvrd povez, Službeni glasnik, 2022, ISBN: 978-86-519-2827-0, latinica
"The Parents, a short fragmented novel in which the events are presented chronologically, features a simple story in which a young girl, Milanka, ...
U korpu

792 din

Stara cena:880 din

Ušteda:88 din (10%)

Ivo Andrić

Tvrd povez, Sezam book, 2021, ISBN: 978-86-6105-106-7, latinica
A stone bridge from the 16th century, an endowment of Mehmed-pasha Sokolovic, like a mute witness remembers the seeming harmony of different ...
U korpu 1980 din

Milorad Pavić

Broširani povez, Dereta, 2019, ISBN: 978-86-6457-249-1, latinica
„Poslednja ljubav u Carigradu: priručnik za gatanje“ je roman srpskog književnika Milorada Pavića, napisan u formi vodiča za gledanje u Tarot karte. ...
U korpu

990 din

Stara cena:1100 din

Ušteda:110 din (10%)

Broširani povez, Geopoetika, 2018, ISBN: 978-86-6145-305-2, latinica
The short story anthology, Old Age, is conceived as an attempt to offer answers to a series of questions which inevitably arise about this topic: ...
U korpu

1118 din

Stara cena:1452 din

Ušteda:334 din (23%)

Nikola Radin

Tvrd povez, Prometej - Novi Sad, 2018, ISBN: 978-86-515-1323-0, latinica
In Nikola’s novel, we explore – trhough the eyes of a dolphin – the themes of human fragility, deceit, suffering and sorrow on the one hand, and ...
U korpu

891 din

Stara cena:990 din

Ušteda:99 din (10%)

Milorad Pavić

Tvrd povez, Dereta, 2017, ISBN: 978-86-6457-136-4, latinica
Prvo ilustrovano izdanje Hazarskog rečnika na engleskom jeziku, urađeno na osnovu bibiofilskog bugarskog izdanja ilustrovanog grafikama Jasena ...
U korpu

1386 din

Stara cena:1540 din

Ušteda:154 din (10%)

Jovan Dučić

Tvrd povez, Balkanija, 2017, ISBN: 978-86-89881-06-6, latinica
U korpu

1980 din

Stara cena:2200 din

Ušteda:220 din (10%)

Nikola Tesla

Tvrd povez, Akademska knjiga, 2016, ISBN: 978-86-6263-125-1, latinica
The volume at hand is the autobiography of Nikola Tesla and his most widely cited work. Until his sixties Tesla never wrote about himself, nor did he ...
U korpu 900 din

Nikola Tesla

Tvrd povez, Zavod za udžbenike - Beograd, 2016, ISBN: 978-86-17-19398-8, latinica
U korpu

1647 din

Stara cena:1830 din

Ušteda:183 din (10%)

Milorad Pavić

Broširani povez, Dereta, 2016, ISBN: 978-86-6457-068-8, latinica
Milorad Pavić, the brilliantly innovative author whose first novel, the phenomenal Dictionary of the Khazars, inspired readers to look at literature ...
U korpu

534 din

Stara cena:594 din

Ušteda:60 din (10%)

Milorad Pavić

Broširani povez, Dereta, 2015, ISBN: 978-86-6457-022-0, latinica
Milorad Pavić’s „Second Body” will for some readers be a love story spanning 4 centuries, and for some a pious novel about the second body of Christ. ...
U korpu

990 din

Stara cena:1100 din

Ušteda:110 din (10%)