Rings of Berlin 1936

Tamara Malešev (autor)

Rings of Berlin 1936
3311 din
Stara cena: 3850 din
U korpu

The book sheds light on the destiny of the athletes of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia who refused to raise their right arm to the leader of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, in the Nazi salute at the opening ceremony of the XI Summer Olympics in Berlin in 1936.

Tamara Malešev is an Olympian. She competed at the games in Barcelona in 1992 under the Olympic flag, as a member of the Independent Team because her country, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia had been banned from participating due to United Nations sanctions. The Independent Team was not allowed to participate in the Parade of Nations at the opening ceremony.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Sportisti
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Sport

Izdavač: Akademska knjiga; 2024; Tvrd povez; latinica; 26 cm; 296 str.; 978-86-6263-518-1;