An Atlas Traced by the Sky

Goran Petrović (autor)

An Atlas Traced by the Sky
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Have you ever wanted to own an atlas that would map out the relations between dreams and waking, between reality and imagination, between the past and the future? Award winning writer Goran Petrović offers you precisely that in his authentic postmodernist style. A cast of characters, living in a house with the sky as its roof, spend their days connecting the threads of this life with the myriad threads of the other worlds in their search for life’s meaning and happiness. They offer us maps which show the paths through birth and death, love and romance, the thoroughfare between joy and despair. By

combining their tale with a collection of ancient and future documents dealing with amulets, map-making, legends and mythology, the author guides the reader through a fantastic labyrinth toward the rather astounding outcome of self-awareness. This is an atlas that will make you dream and, even more, it will show you where your dreams may ultimately lead. Some of the best qualities of Serbian postmodernist prose in Pavić’s manner can be found in this novel.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Domaći roman
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Domaća izdanja na stranim jezicima

Izdavač: Geopoetika; 2012; Broširani povez; latinica; 20 cm; 237 str.; 978-86-6145-087-7;