Igor Janev was born 29. on September 1964, in Belgrade, Serbia. Janev finished his graduate studies at the Faculty if Political Sciences in Belgrade in 1991. Dr. Igor Janev holds a Ph.D. degree at the Faculty of Law at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia, from 1994. Igor Janev has finished postdoctoral studies at: 1) University of Virginia, Charlottesville (USA), Department of Government and Foreign Affairs, 2) Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (USA), School of Foreign Service, and 3) Taft University, Medford, Mass. (USA), Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Currently, Igor Janev is a Scientific Advisor (rank of a full professor in Serbia according to Serbian law) in the Institute for political Studies in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. He also served in the Republic of Macedonia as the Special Advisor to the Macedonian President. Janev has published many scientific articles and more than twenty books and monographs in the scientific areas of International Law, International Organizations, International Relations, Diplomacy, and Political, State and Constitutional theory, Political philosophy and the Political methodology.