Manastir Kalenić (slikarstvo, istorija)
Kalenic (painting, history)

Draginja Simić-Lazar (autor)

Manastir Kalenić (slikarstvo, istorija)
3207 din
U korpu

Monografija manastira Kalenic omogucava strucnoj i siroj publici da upozna freske koje se ubrajaju u najreprezentativnija likovna ostvarenja s pocetka XV veka. Rec je o zavrsnoj fazi blistavog carigradskog slikarstva, koje nije ostavilo ocuvane tragove u spomenicima prestonice vec u drugim pravoslavnom prostorima medju kojima Srbija na kraju srednjeg veka zauzima znacajno mesto. Reprodukovane u ovoj monografiji, u modernoj fotografskoj tehnici, te freske su dragoceni dokumenat o umetnickim strujanjima na Balkanu uoci otomanskih osvajanja. Analizu fresaka dopunjava istorijski uvod o Srbiji Stefana Lazarevica i o samom spomeniku.

This study of the Kalenic Monastery presents specialists, as well as the general public, with a well-informed examination of the frescoes that are among the most representative of the early 15th century. This was the final period of the glorious painting of Constantinople, which left no trace in the monuments of the capital, but can be found in other regions of Orthodox culture, where Serbia occupies an important place. The great quality of the photographs in the book serves to accurately reproduce these frescoes, which find their place among the precious documents illustrating the artistic movements in the Balkans on the eve of the Ottoman conquests. The analysis of the frescoes is completed by the introduction to the history of Serbia by Stephan Lazarevic and by an account of the monument.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Manastiri , Crkveno slikarstvo , Ikone
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Istorija umetnosti

Izdavač: Zavod za udžbenike - Beograd; 2011; Tvrd povez; ćirilica; 33 cm; 451 str.; 978-86-17-16442-1;