Serbia in an Impossible World

Blagoje S. Babić (autor)

Serbia in an Impossible World
1760 din
U korpu

“Geography is Serbia’s greatest enemy.” It follows its destiny in an almost unimaginably unfavourable immediate environment. Europe, which has been “shrinking” for more than a century, is today in the greatest turmoil since World War II. The European Union has fallen into disarray. The Slavic world is also in disarray. The Balkans never came out of disarray. In circumstances where survival itself seems too much of a success, Serbia is trying to find support outside of Europe. In the course of a century, external and internal shocks cancelled achievements of 100 years of Serbia’s development.

on of natural wealth, re-industrialization and raising of domestic entrepreneurship are essential conditions for Serbia to regain the gravitational power it had in the 19th century. The question is not whether it is possible. “Freedom is for those who are able to win it.”

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Geopolitika
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Politika

Izdavač: Čigoja; 2023; Broširani povez; latinica; 24 cm; 288 str.; 978-86-531-0875-5;