Serbian literature anthologies

Serbian literature anthologies
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New Avenue Books in partnership with Čigoja Publishing of Belgrade Serbia, has issued a unique collection of Serbian anthologies in English. The five-volume set edited by the noted American based Slavist Dr. Branko Mikasinovich includes: Serbian Fantastic Prose (2014), Selected Serbian Plays (2016), Serbian Satire and Aphorisms (2017), Selected Serbian Comedies (2018) and Great Serbian Short Stories (2019).

This is the first time ever that a Serbian publisher had come out with such comprehensive collection of anthologies of Serbian literature in English in one package.<

br>The uniqueness of this collection lies in the fact that these anthologies cover some of the finest works by the most prominent of Serbian authors embracing the genres of fantastic prose, plays, satire, aphorisms, comedies and short stories.
Izdavač New Avenue Books u saradnji sa Čigoja štampom iz Beograda objavio je jedinstvenu kolekciju antologija srpske književnosti na engleskom jeziku. Paket od pet antologija obuhvata Srpsku fantastičnu prozu (2014), Odabrane srpske drame (2016), Srpska satira I aforizmi (2017), Odabrane srpske komedije (2018) i Velike kratke srpske priče (2019). Ovo je prvi put da je jedan srpski izdavač i objavio tako sveobuhvatan opus antologija srpske knjizevnosti.
Jedinstvenost ovog poduhvata lezi u činjenici da te one obuhvataju najbolje radove najpoznatijih srpskih pisaca prezentirajući žanrove fantastične proze, drame, satire i aforizma, komedije i kratke pripovetke.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Srpska književnost
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Romani

Izdavač: Čigoja; 2019; Tvrd povez; latinica; 23 cm;