Baltimore (English)

Jelena Lengold (autor)

Baltimore (English)
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In Baltimore, Jelena Lengold offers an exquisite portrayal of a Belgrade writer, a woman in her forties, whose tightly packed, unresolved inner conflicts with herself and the people closest to her have led her to a sobering dead end. She is compelled to turn around and look closely at the routine of her everyday life – her marriage, family, friends, loves, lies and the likes. What she finds is a strange mixture of uncertainty and boredom, insecurity and determination which grow into fullblown frustration at sessions with her therapist. T

he writer’s block the protagonist suffers from is a metaphor for a blocked life, a life led in the recesses of reality represented in bouts of silence, web cam voyeurism and Internet flings.Lengold’s prose style – witty, sharp and somber– strikes a resounding tone for telling the truth of one of our lives.

Ostali naslovi koji sadrže ključne reči: Domaći roman
Ostali naslovi iz oblasti: Romani

Izdavač: Geopoetika; 2012; Broširani povez; latinica; 20 cm; 134 str.; 978-86-6145-109-6;